The weather may have been overcast but seeing so many smiling faces made it a bright day. It was great to see a full-house, to meet face-to-face, and shake hands with friends, again.
2021 marked our 49th Annual Production Sale at Jorgensen Land & Cattle where we have been selecting based on performance and stacking performance pedigrees for over 60 years. Several of our long-time customers remarked that this year’s bull offering was the most uniform set of bulls they have ever seen. We appreciate that because running a breeding program for more than 60 years should generate uniformity in our bulls and in the calf crops that they produce.
We appreciate the loyal customers & friends and welcomed some new customers in this year’s sale. Many of the bulls from this year’s sale will be going to good commercial cattle operations in South Dakota & Nebraska, including cattlemen who took home as many as 16 bulls for their operation. All together, we sold bulls to nine different states and as far away as Maryland.

Highlights from the Jorgensen 49th Annual Bull Sale
Some of the highlights from the sale were: 130 Yearling Registered Angus Bulls ▪ Average: $7,462
Top Selling Lots:
- Lot 1D – Ideal 0636 Traveler of 4223 (AAA 19869253) sold for $27,000 to 7BE Sires of Winner, SD. Auctioneer, Roger Jacobs, knows the Angus breed extremely well and proclaimed that this bull resembles the “original Traveler bull” as a yearling, more than any bull he has seen since. Ideal 0636 Traveler is stout, full of function, and backed by 12-generations of cows, each with Progeny YW ratios of 101 or better.
- Lot 1E – Ideal 0443 Eldorado Prime (AAA 19869926) sold for $24,000 to 7BE Sires of Winner, SD. The Eldorado Prime bull is a son of Ideal Eldorado; he was a standout as a calf and continued to impress with Ratios of: WW 130, YW 125, Gain 118, IMF 143, & RE 124. He boasts a Marbling EPD that ranks Top 10%. Most impressive is his maternal lineage.
Eldorado Prime is backed by 12-generations of great cows; every cow from his dam … all the way back to his 12th granddam … each earned Progeny WW ratios of 100 or better and Progeny YW ratios of 102 or better. - Lot 1A – Rito 0040 Magnum of Ideal (AAA 19888510) is a son of SAV Renown & sold for $22,500 to 7BE Sires of Winner, SD. He is a true-linebred-Rito bull that traces 350-times to RR Rito 707 and he is the product of 15-generations of selection within the Jorgensen herd. He is structurally correct and has what we call an “A+ Pedigree” – where every cow in his 5-generation pedigree (all 15 cows) earned Progeny WW ratios of 101 or better.
- Lot 2 – Ideal 0027 Rito of REN (AAA 19888510) is a son of SAV Renown & sold for $18,000 to Ede Breitmeier of Chinook, MT. This bull has a strong maternal background, being backed by 8-generations of cows dating back to 1973, all with Progeny WW & YW ratios that are all 100 or better. Ideal 0027 earned ratios of 114 for WW & YW and 113 for ADG.
- Lot 4 – Ideal 0023 Rito of REN (AAA 19888510) is a son of SAV Renown & sold for $15,000 to Lynn Ballagh of Burwell, NE. Calves of Ideal 0023 should be great in the feedlot, he posted fantastic ratios: 112 YW ratio, 120 ADG ratio, and a 113 Feed Conversion ratio.
- Lot 1C – Ideal 0467 Eldorado of ENCR (AAA 19888510) is a son of Ideal Encore & sold for $15,000 to Lynn Ballagh of Burwell, NE. This bull should be a great “cow maker.” His dam is the 13th-consecutive generation of cows to post a Progeny WW ratio 100 or better; together those 13 cows have an average Progeny WW ratio of 107.3! That is a FANTASTIC maternal lineage, that dates back to 1965 – the year that the first American walked in space & the year that A Charlie Brown Christmas debuted on CBS.