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Y Chromosome Role in Angus Sire Lines

Sire Lines & “Y” They Matter – Part 2

In Part 1 of our blog series on Sire Lines, we established the biological basis of the “Y chromosome, what the Y chromosome does, and why it matters. Now we continue our look at Sire Lines and “Y” they matter. Today, we have a lot of people multiplying Angus cattle, people chasing numbers, fads, and the ‘Populare Sire of the Month’. My thoughts on true beef cattle breeders is that they are operations with a true breeding program; by that, I mean that they have direction for where they want to take their herd, what they want to produce, and what they want their seedstock cattle to produce. A program like that knows where their cattle came from (Sire Lines and Cow Families) and what genetic contributions their lines bring to the table.

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